Converting date to ISO 8601 in Python

In the world of programming, dealing with dates can be a complex and error-prone task. The ISO 8601 standard offers a solution by providing a universally recognized format for representing dates and times. This article delves into the importance of using ISO 8601 for date representation and presents a comprehensive guide to converting various date formats to ISO 8601 using Python. We'll explore the challenges of date formatting, the benefits of standardization, and walk through a custom Python function designed to handle a variety of input formats. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to effectively manage date conversions in your Python projects.

Why use ISO 8601?

No matter which area a programmer works in, he most likely has to deal with dates in some way. Even writing a basic application log benefits from stamping information with dates, so we know when a potential problem occurred, etc.

Unfortunately, dates are a tricky subject. They are often an extra feature that just needs to work but doesn’t. And they can fail for many reasons.

One of the main reasons is incompatibility between different date formats. Sometimes, the month is a word; sometimes it’s a number. The standard order of year, month, and day differs from one country to another.

When the month is a number and it’s 12 or lower, it can be confused with the day number, making it difficult to verify which is which. One month has 30 days, another has 31. February has 28 days… but only 3 years out of 4. All this needs to be considered when dealing with dates.

To alleviate the pain from some of these problems, ISO 8601 was introduced. It is an international standard, an exact way of writing date and time so that there is no confusion.

Having all dates in one format is important for your own projects. When dates are always written the same way, there is no need to convert anything, and they are compatible with each other for future use by default.

It is also important externally. When someone else needs to process them, there is no need to verify what is what or format the string to make it compatible with another company’s internal formatting standard.

Choosing ISO 8601 is also very convenient for the programmer. Most frameworks, modules, etc., that deal with dates use it as the default standard and force the user to first convert the input data string to ISO 8601 before further processing. Such is the case with SQLite, Pandas, Django, and many more.

It is always best practice to stick to one data formatting standard whenever possible. And since ISO 8601 is the most popular standard for date formatting in the world, it is most convenient to stick to it. It makes our dates most compatible with other dates “out there,” saving us from many potential headaches in the future.

What needs does this converter address?

Unfortunately, there is no one correct way to write a converter. It all depends on the context in which it needs to be used, and based on that, the optimal behavior can be different.

For example, in some cases, it is crucial that failure to convert produces an error and instantly stops the program from running to not pollute the data with pseudo-dates or empty strings which have to be addressed quickly to avoid breaking something else.

Other times, it is mandatory that the service continues working and errors are handled silently and gracefully. There is no right or wrong way to write it; it’s all context-dependent.

The converter function below behaves as follows:

Make sure that a converter you need meets all the criteria above, or that you have fixes for when it doesn’t.

Below I break apart the code. If you just want the entire thing to copy-paste, click here.

Code breakdown

def toiso8601(date):

The converter is best written as a function, convenient to keep in a separate Python helper file and import as needed. It takes date, i.e., a string hopefully containing all the ingredients we need.

	def month_to_digit(month_as_word):
		months_full = {'january':'01', 'february':'02', 'march':'03', 'april':'04', 'may':'05', 'june':'06', 'july':'07', 'august':'08', 'september':'09', 'october':'10', 'november':'11', 'december':'12'}
		months = {'jan':'01', 'feb':'02', 'mar':'03', 'apr':'04', 'may':'05', 'jun':'06', 'jul':'07', 'aug':'08', 'sep':'09', 'oct':'10', 'nov':'11', 'dec':'12'}
		month_as_word = month_as_word.lower()
		if month_as_word in months_full.keys():
			month_final = months_full[month_as_word]
		elif month_as_word in months.keys():
			month_final = months[month_as_word]
			print('ERROR: not a valid date. month word unknown')
			month_final = None
		return month_final

First, we write a sub-function that converts the month, written as a word, to a number (still written as a string). This sequence exists twice in our code, so there is no point repeating the whole thing. Instead, we make a function of it and call it when needed.

There are two types of month words popular in writing dates in English. The first one is full words, the second the first 3 letters of each word. In ISO 8601, the month is a two-digit number. So we have to convert.

For that, we have two dictionaries, one for each type. The keys are the month-words, the values are numbers to which they convert.

If it feels right, you can also create one dictionary and test for the full name against the full key name or for the first three letters of the parsed string against the first three letters of each dictionary key, saving us from the need to create the second dictionary. It reduces redundancy in our code but makes the script perform worse.

Notice that the numbers are in quotes. They are strings, first because ‘01’, ‘02’, ‘03’ etc. are not numbers understandable by Python, and second because the entire process is taking string input and outputting another string. There is no reason to switch to any other data type at any point, as sooner or later it would have to be converted back into a string.

If conversion fails (i.e., the word doesn’t match the month name in either dictionary), we set month_final to None. At the end of our function, we make a condition that year, month, and day all have to be set, and only then do we generate and return the final date. Otherwise, we’d let some gibberish word posing as a month pass through to the final string.

There is no ISO 8601 date without a year, and setting it to some default is risky business. You could, for example, decide to go with ‘0000’. If such a year has no reason to exist in our data (let’s say we have a movie database), setting it to such would conform to the ISO 8601 standard while giving us valuable information that that particular piece of data is missing.

In some datasets, the data has to exist, even if our database tool of choice allows setting datetime fields to be empty. This would force us to use a solution like that.

Since for my use case it’s not a problem, if a four-digit number indicating the year is not found, the function informs about the problem, returns None, and that’s the end of it.

	year ='\d\d\d\d', date)
	if not year:
		print('ERROR: not a valid date. year missing')
		return None
	year = year[0]

The last line of that chunk of code extracts the string from a regex object. If we had done it earlier (not knowing if the regex found anything), pointing to a sometimes non-existing item would throw an error. That behavior we do not want, as it would force us to use it inside a ‘try’ clause.

After setting up a year variable, we now need to delete this number from the date string and only seek in that new variable. Otherwise, it would extract sub-numbers from it as potential month and day numbers.

	date_no_year = re.sub(year, '', date)
	month_day = re.findall('\d\d?', date_no_year)
	month_word ='[A-Za-z]{3,}', date_no_year)

Then, we proceed to look inside that newly cut string for the word indicating month and as many sets of digits as we can find. The combination of these two findings are the basis for our final assessments of what data we have and how to process it.

For that, we use the regex module’s findall and search functions. Both month and day can be single or double-width strings (hence ? by the second one, meaning “0 or 1 of it”). Month words only contain letters, and all the words in both dictionaries are of 3+ length. {3,} means “minimum 3, maximum unspecified. So equal to or higher than 3”. Just like with Python slices when we skip one side.

Being specific here is important. If someone surprises our converter with a peculiar date, like 1969x05x20, our function would still work and omit ‘x’ separators, as they are only of length 1. Not demanding three or more letters in a word, those x-es would be added needlessly as separate ‘month or day’ items and cause the script to fail to fulfill its duty and return None.

Now we get into different scenarios.

	if month_word and len(month_day) == 1:
		month = month_to_digit(month_word[0])
		day = month_day[0]
		if len(day) == 1:
			day = '0' + day

First is the case of month being a word (as in containing letters, not in the regex sense, where digits also qualify as word characters) and month_day search returning only one object.

If we have a year, some word, and some digit, it is safe to assume that that word is the month and the digit is the day. So we set up both variables, giving us a first potential complete set of year, month, and day variables.

The last two lines are important. ISO 8601 does not accept single-digit numbers, neither for date nor for time. If the input format is ‘Sep 1, 1995’, the day needs ‘0’ in front of 1.

Because strings are iterable in Python, it is very easy to check for their length, and if it’s 1 (which means the number is most likely 1-9 with no 0 in front), we add it and the day variable is complete.

	elif not month_word and len(month_day) == 1:
		month = month_day[0]
		day = '01'

The first alternative check is for no word indicating the month and just a single digit found. In most cases, when we only have a year and a single number, that single number is the month. Nobody writes the year and day of a month that is not specified.

In rare cases, this extra number means the day of the year. This converter is not equipped to deal with such a scenario, and if it is indeed what you have to deal with, you’d have to use Python’s datetime module to convert it to a final date. It is easily achievable once you know this primary tool for dealing with dates in Python.

In many scenarios, when the day is not found, we might want the whole date to be invalid. For my use, I still need the date, which is only used for getting approximate guesses to another object with another date (the ones with the smallest timedelta between them being paired), so a few days off are much less hurtful than not having a date at all.

If you want to not return any date if the day is missing, it is easy to change in this function. Because final date generation will fail if the year, month, or day is not set, all you have to do is change “day = ‘01’” to “day = None” in two places.

	elif month_word and not month_day:
		month = month_to_digit(month_word[0])
		day = '01'

Next is a straightforward case, where we have a word for the month, but no extra number that would represent the day. Here, again we blindly set the day to the first of the month.

	elif not month_word and len(month_day) == 2:
		month = month_day[0]
		day = month_day[1]
		if len(day) == 1:
			day = '0' + day

Lack of a word representing the month and two sets of digits indicates both month and day being numbers. As mentioned in the function summary, this part assumes the month number is to the left of the day number. You can reverse this order by setting month to month_day[1] and day to month_day[0].

		print('ERROR: not a valid date')
		year = None

Finally, we write what to do if all our previous conditions fail. If we got to it, this means that either of these is true:

Three digits make it impossible to assess which one is the month and which one is the day. Usually, it means that the string we got is not a date at all, or a date with some unfortunate extra luggage.

One way or the other, under this circumstance, it is best not to make wild guesses and instead call it quits. The print statement will inform us about the problem in the terminal window. Setting year to None will make the final condition fail, as it tests for the presence of year, month, and day. None is faulty in Python, indicating failure, and so the condition is not met.

The final piece of our code checks for the presence of all objects and constructs a string from them.

The last return is silent and applies only when that condition is not met. Every function in Python returns None, if not specified elsewhere. Here, we want to return date, but only if we have all the ingredients. If not, there are no final return instructions, which means the function will return ‘None’.

	if year and month and day:
		final_date = f'{year}-{month}-{day}'
		return final_date

In other words, the final lines could be more redundantly written this way:

	if year and month and day:
		final_date = f'{year}-{month}-{day}'
		return final_date
	return None

First return reached instantly ends the function, and so it reaches ‘return None’ only if year, word and month are not set to anything truthy.

And here is the entire code:

	import re
	def toiso8601(date):
		def month_to_digit(month_as_word):
			months_full = {'january':'01', 'february':'02', 'march':'03', 'april':'04', 'may':'05', 'june':'06', 'july':'07', 'august':'08', 'september':'09', 'october':'10', 'november':'11', 'december':'12'}
			months = {'jan':'01', 'feb':'02', 'mar':'03', 'apr':'04', 'may':'05', 'jun':'06', 'jul':'07', 'aug':'08', 'sep':'09', 'oct':'10', 'nov':'11', 'dec':'12'}
			month_as_word = month_as_word.lower()
			if month_as_word in months_full.keys():
				month_final = months_full[month_as_word]
			elif month_as_word in months.keys():
				month_final = months[month_as_word]
				print('ERROR: not a valid date. month word unknown')
				month_final = None
			return month_final

		year ='\d\d\d\d', date)
		if not year:
			print('ERROR: not a valid date. year missing')
			return None
		year = year[0]

		date_no_year = re.sub(year, '', date)

		month_day = re.findall('\d\d?', date_no_year)
		month_word ='[A-Za-z]{3,}', date_no_year)

		if month_word and len(month_day) == 1:
			month = month_to_digit(month_word[0])
			day = month_day[0]
			if len(day) == 1:
				day = '0' + day
		elif not month_word and len(month_day) == 1:
			month = month_day[0]
			day = '01'
		elif month_word and not month_day:
			month = month_to_digit(month_word[0])
			day = '01'
		elif not month_word and len(month_day) == 2:
			month = month_day[0]
			day = month_day[1]
			print('ERROR: not a valid date')
			year = None

		if year and month and day:
			final_date = f'{year}-{month}-{day}'
			return final_date

Final word

The ISO 8601 date format is a powerful tool for standardizing date representation across systems and applications. The Python function presented in this article offers a flexible solution for converting various date formats to ISO 8601, addressing common challenges and edge cases. By implementing this converter, you can enhance the consistency and reliability of date handling in your projects, reducing errors and improving interoperability with other systems.

As with any code implementation, it’s important to thoroughly test the converter with your specific use cases and adapt it as needed. Remember that date conversion can be a complex task, and edge cases may arise depending on your data sources. Continuously refine your approach based on real-world usage, and consider integrating additional error handling or logging as required by your project. With careful implementation and ongoing maintenance, this ISO 8601 converter can become a valuable asset in your Python toolkit, streamlining date management across your applications.